Monday, September 15, 2008

Fettucini with smoked salmon

One of these days, running through the supermarket, late,
having to fix dinner for the girls, I decided that my best
option would be a quick pasta. The idea was to prepare
fettucini with cream cheese and mushrooms. For a change,
and to avoid hearing that "again!" from my daughter, I
also bought 100 g of smoked salmon. Well, it did not
taste that bad...

Here we go:

100 g of smoked salmon, sliced
fresh mushrooms (+/- 500 g)
a cup of cream cheese
a handful of green onions
1/4 glass of a good white wine
olive oil
black pepper
a pinch of salt
Barilla's fettucini

Slice the onion and throw it into a hot pan with olive oil.
Immediately, add the mushrooms cut in thin slices. Steer a little,
add the wine, the salt, the pepper, ant let it cook for a while.
The mushrooms loose water quickly and reduce to half their size
in a few minutes. When the mixture had lost half of its water,
turn down the heat and add the cheese. Turn off the heat and
add the salmon.

The pasta should be ready, of course, cooked in salt water
and drained. Al dente.
Just pour the sauce over the pasta. I had it with a delicious