Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's pizza time!

You can make pizza at home: it's easier than you think, it's healthier (because hou have the control over the ingredients, you know what you are eating) and it's really fun! I do that every saturday night, sometimes we have guests, people can be in the kitchen with you drinking wine and choosing the toppings. It's really a good time.

This is my dough recipe, it's really simple - I just need to remember to begin with 4 hours in advance to let it rise enough.

Pizza Dough Recipe

(yields 3 medium pizzas)

1 pound all-purpose flour
35 ounces of dry yeast
1 to 1 1/2 cup tap water
1 1/2 tbs sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbs oil

In a food processor, put all the dry ingredients. Turn on the machine to medium speed and keep it running while you add the water and oil mixed together, in a thin stream, until the dough forms a ball inside the running machine. You probably will need to add a little more water. Turn of the food processor, transfer the dough to a greased bowl, cover with a damped towel and let it in a warm place to rise (I use a turned-off pre-heated oven at 300º) for about 1 hour. After that time, knead the dough a bit, inside the bowl, without any additional flour, just to mix well the fermentation spots. You should have a smooth dough at this point. Cover with the towel and let it rise again for 2 to 3 hours (if you have the time). Divide the dough in 3 balls, without kneading. Pour a little flour on a rolling-board, spread each ball in a circle, transfer it to a pizza sheet or pan. You should bake a bit each pizza before put the topping, about 10-15 min. at 400º. Garnish the pre-baked pizza and put in the oven until golden - this time use the oven broiler!


Tip: I like to spread a little catchup over the pizza, 1 tbs, before putting the topping...

Napolitana Pizza: tomato fillets, minced garlic, origano, fresh basil, salt and a little oil.

Roman Pizza: tomato fillets, anchovy fillets, cubes of mozzarella, minced basil, grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper.

Margherita Pizza: tomato fillets, finely sliced mozzarella, minced basil, salt and olive oil.

Mushrooms Pizza: small slices of mushroom (previously browned in oil and garlic), parsley and mozzarella.

5-cheeses Pizza: grated parmesan, pecorino, provolone, gruyère and muzzarella cheeses.

Clarissa's Home Pizza: tomato slices, cubes of gorgonzola cheese, sliced muzzarella, sliced onions, origano.

Tuna Pizza: grated canned tuna, muzzarella slices, onion slices, black olives, origano

Enjoy and HAVE FUN!!!


nd said...

Querida amiga,

Você com estas receitas e eu de regime... Pode?


Chama Violeta said...

Olá...Obrigada pela visita, sinta-se em casa!
Xi...assim vou engordar só de ler!!!

Beijinhos violeta e ótima semana!!!


Clarissa: Vc precisa ler a minha nova postagem. Se quiser pôr comentário, senão não. Mas aquela menina me fez a caveira, tanto é que não tive mais comentários. E deve continuar fazendo por aí. Fui ao médico. Estou com a pressão 20/18, o coração está batendo fraco, os meus pés estão inchados e tenho que emagrecer dez quilos. Eu chorava tanto na médica, pois foi bem no dia dos namorados. Eu mandei recado igual para todo mundo, assumo. Mas eu leio sempre o post de cima de cada blog, isso é verdade, tanto é que as pessoas me agradecem pelas palavras de carinho. Mudando de assunto, vc vai demorar uns dois dias para ler o post...
Beijos, já é noite, preciso dormir.
Boa noite, querida.